Release notes

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5.1.1 - Released 2006-10-16

Bugs Fixed
DB Support: Oracle
"Object" tables (UDT, XML, etc) are not listed in the objects tree for Oracle
DDL Generator
Problem using DDL function with SQL Server 2000
Key Bindings
Shift+DELETE keybinding for Cut doesn't work
DB Support: Oracle
Deprecated SQL executed for "Compute statistics for Index" in Oracle
SQL Commander
Database drop down list in SQL Commander is not set automatically for Informix
DB Support: PostgreSQL
References in PostgreSQL 8+ doesn't work
DB Support: Oracle
Some table types in Oracle do not show in Objects Tree
DDL Generator
DDL tab for Views larger than 4000 characters fails for SQL Server
DB Support: Oracle
Synonym listing for Oracle shows both schema synonyms and objects being part of synonyms in other schemas
Mixed case table names in MySQL results in multiple table nodes in the References Graph
Test data generators doesn't work if original value is null i.e. no generator is executed

5.1 - Released 2006-10-05

New Features
New permission sub system. Use it to configure what operations in DbVisualizer need to be confirmed before executed. The permission management is defined per the connection modes, Development, Test and Production. Manage permissions in Tool Properties->Permissions
New Database Type setting in the connection tab. Chose from the list what database the database connection represents. This is automatically set when upgrading from previous versions.
Tool/Connection Properties
Tool Properties has been devided into General and Database. The news is that database properties are per database type i.e. DB2, Mimer SQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc. Changing a DB2 property for example will then affect all DB2 database connections. These properties can still be modified per database connection
Database Objects Tree
Now possible to script CREATE TABLE and view DDL for Tables for Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL 8+, Sybase ASE, MySQL, Derby/JavaDB, Mimer SQL, SQL Server and Informix
Now possible to script CREATE VIEW and view DDL for Views in for Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL 8+, Sybase ASE, MySQL, Derby/JavaDB, Mimer SQL, SQL Server and Informix
Query Builder
Query Builder now available in the SQL Commander
Support for object actions:
  • Database - Create Database
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Import Table Data, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • View - Drop, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Index - Create, Drop, Rename, Enable, Disable
  • Function - Drop
  • Procedure - Drop
  • Trigger - Drop, Enable, Disable
  • Sequence - Create, Drop
  • Role - Drop
  • Synonyms - now displayed in objects tree
  • Removed "owner" from node labels
  • Functions and Procedures now show arguments in the objects tree
Sybase ASE
Support for object actions:
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Truncate, Import Table Data, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • View - Drop, Rename, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Index - Create
  • Procedure - Drop, Rename
  • Trigger - Drop, Rename, Enable, Disable
  • User - Add, Drop
  • Group - Add, Drop
  • Login - Create, Drop, Change Password
DB2 z/OS
Support for object actions:
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Import Table Data, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • View - Drop
  • Index - Create, Drop
  • Alias - Drop
  • Procedure - Drop
  • Function - Drop
  • Trigger - Drop
Database profile now supporting Apache Derby/JavaDB
Now possible to specify file encoding in Load/Save File dialog
Now possible to show hidden files in file choosers
Added Select All and Deselect All in the columns visibility editor
Tool/Connection Properties
The management of Delimited Identifiers (aka quoted identifiers) has changed
Added Editor->Tabs setting to control the appearance of tabs in the editor
SQL Templates should now always use $$ as variable identifier independent of the setting in Variables->Variable Identifier
Inline Data Editor
The inline editor will now not update the edited row in the database if no edits has been made
Note: The Confirm Data Deletion and Confirm Inline Edits properties are removed and instead replaced with the new permission management
Duplicate Row tool bar action added to data inline editor (result set grids and table data tab)
Form Editor
Note: The Confirm Data Deletion and Confirm Inline Edits properties are removed and instead replaced with the new permission management
New actions in the Monitor window:
  • Edit->Clear Selected Monitor
  • Edit->Clear All Monitors
Database Objects Tree
Now possible to sort database connections and folders in the objects tree
Connections grid now lists Datatabase Type. It may be clicked it to change the type for a database connection
SQL Commander
Now possible to select target editor when loading an SQL script from file
Auto Completion: Fixed so the column list is displayed when the column name is qualified with the table name and not just only when using a table name alias. Example: SELECT * FROM SPECS, PATS WHERE SPECS.
Auto completion did not handle "select * from t as k" i.e. using the "as" identifier for table alias
Auto completion list can be closed with TAB key in addition to ENTER and mouse double click. To support SPACE then add it to the Insert Newline action in the
Key Bindings->Editor Commands
Now shows data type for each column in the columns list
New settings in Tool Properties for Auto Completion:
  • Display Automatically
  • Instant Substitution
  • Display Delay
  • Sort Columns List
  • Sort Tables List

See the discussion here
Now indicate whether column is part of primary key in the columns list
Total fetch time for last execute batch of SQL statements now listed in the SQL Commander log
Pressing Stop during execution in for example the SQL Commander now request the database to interrupt the processing (previously Stop only worked if DbVisualizer was processing)
Font changes in the SQL Commander Log
New Tool Property: SQL Editor->Set Sticky for SQL Editor(s)
Replaced the Grid, Text, and Chart tabs with toolbar buttons to preserve space in SQL Commander and Monitor
New client side commands:
  • @stop on error / @continue on error
  • @stop on warning / @continue on warning
  • @spool log <filename>
A check is now done when saving the SQL editor buffer to prevent that that the loaded file has been modified outside DbVisualizer
Database Profile
Object Action dialog changes:
  • New style: text-editor. Same as text except that an multi line editor is used to present/edit the input
  • New style: number. This is presented as a text input only allowing number input
  • New style: password. This will mask the entered value with "***" while typing. Note that the real text for password fields is still presented in the SQL preview
  • Now possible to set an explicit entry (by index) as default for list and radio styles. The format for doing this is by enclosing the index number with {n}
  • List style input control is now editable if editable="true" attribute is set.
The setting of Show SQL is now saved between sessions
New button Copy Script to SQL Editor in the object actions dialog
execute attribute for <Action> element renamed to mode. Value for mode may be one of "execute" (default), "script" or "script-immediate".
Now possible to launch the create procedure/function dialog for other databases then only Oracle
It is now possible to let the action SQL create a result set which in turn contains SQL code. When the actions dialog recognize that a result set has been produced the user may either select to Show or Copy it to the SQL Editor.
New attribute resultsetaction="ask|show|script". It is used in combination with mode="execute" and if the executed actions results in a resultset. The value of the attribute tells what to do with the resultset.
Now possible to refer global commands via the idref attribute
SQLWarnings are now taken care of during action executing
tip="..." attribute can now be specified for <Input> elements in <Action> elements
<Labels> can now be specified for radio and list object actions. It can be used to present an alternative name for values
<SetVar> can now be used in <Action> elements enabling variable evaluations
Added new action input type, "procedure-params"
Label is now optional and will result in a more space for input field
New style for actions, "separator"
Introduced <Input> sub element for <DataView's>. Input elements are used to pass viewer specific settings.
Ex: <Input name="attribute" value="itsValue"/>
Changes related to <Input> elements for the viewers: viewer="grid"
Has changed the definition for right click menu items from
<Action name="Script: SELECT ALL" template="SelectAllCommand">
   <Map from="OWNER" to="schema"/>
   <Map from="TABLE_NAME" to="table"/>
<Action name="Script: DROP TABLE" template="DropTableCommand">
   <Map from="OWNER" to="schema"/>
   <Map from="TABLE_NAME" to="table"/>
<Input name="menuItem" value="Script: SELECT ALL">
   <Input name="command" value="select * from ${schema=OWNER}${object=TABLE_NAME}"/>
<Input name="menuItem" value="Script: DROP TABLE">
   <Input name="command" value="drop table ${schema=OWNER}${object=TABLE_NAME}"/>
New input attribute for viewer="grid": <Input name="columnWidth" value="300"/>. This will set the initial value for max column width in the grid.
viewer="text": The "column" attribute in <DataView> is no longer used. Instead use the following <Input> elements:
   <Input name="dataColumn" value="<theNameOfTheResultSetColumn>"/>
   <Input name="formatSQL" value="true/false"/>
Trigger listing for a table enhanced as a drill drown view
SGA browser now shows the full SQL and not only the first 1000 characters
Added Refresh Materialized View action for materialized view objects
Now possible to choose whether the data presented in the objects tree and in the object views should be fetched from the ALL_xxx (default) system views or from the DBA_xxx system views.
Now lists Constraints for table objects in the object tree
Now lists Triggers for table objects in the objects tree
Now lists the actual objects as child nodes to Invalid Objects
Schemas object tree node now lists all schemas in a tab
Now possible to Create Function and Create Procedure
Databases object tree node now lists all databases in a tab
Constraints tab added for Table objects
Added Refresh Materialized Query Table action for materialized query table objects
Now possible to Create Function and Create Procerdure
Locks node is now in the objects tree
SQL Server
Functions now appear in the objects tree
Updated database profile for PostgreSQL 8+
Added Create Function action for PostgreSQL 8+
New actions for PostgreSQL 8+:
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Truncate, Import table Data, Script
  • View - Drop, Rename, Script
  • Index - Drop, Rename, Rebuild
  • Trigger - Drop, Rename, Enable, Disable
  • Function - Drop, Rename
  • Sequence - Create, Drop
  • Domain - Drop
  • Aggregate - Drop, Rename
  • Type - Drop
Bugs Fixed
Fixed bug that occurred with Turkish locale
See the discussion here
Sorting really large numbers by clicking grid column header did not result in proper sorting
Variables in connection setup details were sometimes lost
Fixed bug with underscore characters not always appearing in grids
Connection Mode border (for Test and Production) was not visible directly when mode was changed
Hopefully fixed problem showing Help->About and Help->License dialogs
See the discussion here
Inline Data Editor
If selecting another table while the inline editor is active with no edits being made resulted in a warning dialog. Now this warning appear only if edits has been made.
The edited indicator (yellow background) is now only visible for data that has been really edited
The appearance of the edited field was wrong if double clicking quickly in CLOB columns
Applying quick filter while being in editing mode resulted in unexpected results
Fixed bug in table data editor
Inline and form editing resulted in edits not being accepted since the the updated row could not be uniquely identified
Form Editor
The serialized Java data browser did not work in the Form Editor or in the Cell Value browser
Adding new row with form editor resulted in no input fields being presented. This occurred if the target database table was empty or if no selection was made in grid prior to starting the form editor.
Inline and form editing resulted in edits not being accepted since the the updated row could not be uniquely identified
Monitor Row Count did not work in SQL Server. To apply this fix open Tool Properties and select the SQL Statements category, then press Defaults and apply changes for the current category only
Database Objects Tree
Auto expansion of objects tree at connect and re-connect did not work if having two database connections with equal driver, URL, userid and password
SQL Commander
Key binding fixes:
  • SHIFT BACKSPACE key was not mapped to delete previous character for all key maps
  • DELETE key was not mapped in the Linux/UNIX key map
  • END key was not mapped in the Linux/UNIX key map
Fixed bug that sometimes appeared when running Disconnect All
Using key bindings to move between editor tabs now set focus in the editor.
Fixed bug in the SQL Formatter when SQL contain the Oracle extract() function
See the discussion here
Fixed parsing of go
See the discussion here
Error occurred when expanding objects tree having Allow Go tool property disabled
Current Database Connection choice in the SQL Editor is now preserved when loading a file
Loading any recent file now automatically selects the SQL Commander tab
There were problems with Execute Current and Select Current Statement and if the loaded SQL script used CRLF as line separators.
Executing an anonymous SQL block having the terminating "/" in the statement caused the SQL to be truncated
Using @export in CSV output format and the CsvIncludeSQLCommand parameter exported the actual SQL command on the wrong line
Fixed bug in SQL Formatter and large SQL statements
Database Profile
Object Actions: Variables in inline confirmation messages were not processed properly
Object Actions: First editable text field in the actions popup did not have focus
Locks 2 tab returned an error in if Remove New Lines were enabled in Connection Properties
Fixed bug when compiling functions, procedures and packages
See the discussion here
References graph did not render tables having relations defined for unique keys (only primary keys)
It wasn't possible to expand the information_schema node in the objects tree (for MySQL 5 and later).
Source was not displayed for Materialized Query Tables
SQL Server
The database profile for SQL Server 2005 was not loaded when using the latest version of the MS JDBC driver
Locks and Roles tabs resulted in errors when used with the jTDS driver
Fixed(?) bug preventing Logins to appear properly in some configurations
Fixed bug when connection to Informix with a blank password
See the discussion here
DB2 z/OS
Script Object to SQL Editor resulted in an exception for DB2 z/OS
Views tree listed tables and aliases
Schemas were not displayed in PostgreSQL 8.0
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